Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are there any websites that can look up email addresses linked to social networking or dating sites?

I want to see if my husband is a member of any dating sites. He's done it before and I have reason to believe he's at it again. So I'm wondering if anyone knows if there are any websites or anything out there that can search user names/email addresses and find them on various sites. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Are there any websites that can look up email addresses linked to social networking or dating sites?
A previous answer regarding facebook only works if the user profile is public. If he's keeping his profile private or using other dating sites and/or using an email address that you don't know or even an alias you can only check by looking at the temporary files and the browser history stored on his computer.
Reply:Yes. Google can do this if the website displays the persons name, just type the following google search:


For example: The first result is the person's facebook profile.

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