Monday, May 24, 2010

How has my email address been linked to people sending me all sorts of pornography?

I do not open the links but if there is something illegal such as Child porn. I do not want any part of the scam. Please keep from giving out personal email addresses to scam artists.

How has my email address been linked to people sending me all sorts of pornography?
Once they have your e-mail address, it is too late to be closing the barn door. Periodically you need to change your e-habits %26amp; change your e-mail address.

Your options include cooperating with the authorities to put the crooks in prison. I use KNUJON (no junk backwards) for that purpose. Me and other people working in concert with KNUJON have put thousands of these crooks behind bars. You have a civic duty to learn how to work with the authorities to put the e-crooks out of business.

99% of the reason why we have an e-crime wave is because most e-netizens treat criminals as "not my duty to help law enforcement deal with them"

Many places that we go on the Internet, that seem like legitimate sites, they ask for our e-mail address for one reason or another, then they get hacked.

Or we forward humor to some e-pals %26amp; then they forward without stripping off e-mail addresses. Many people do not underdtand that this is a way for spammers to mine e-mail addresses. They get humor forwarded that has hundreds of valid e-mail addresses on the fwd fwd fwd, so I do not exchange humor with friends not in the habit of cleaning up the prior lists of e-mail addresses that the humor was shared with.

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